Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The So Called War on Women

This is getting out of control America.  You can not and will not be allowed to violate our constitutional rights any longer.  We all need to stand up and say enough is enough.  In another states attempt to strip women of their constitutionally granted write to choose what to do with their body.  This is incredibly un-American.  These law makers in Mississippi whom just passed a bill that will effectively close the states only abortion clinic a few days ago.  The law states that any doctor perform abortions in the state must have admitting privileges at a state hospital.  What does this do for anyone? Nothing.  What it does is restrict who can give abortions in the state, and it's already really impossible in Mississippi, this makes it so.  Now I doubt that this law will stay in effect for very long, it's so blatantly unconstitutional that it screams to me undone.  If you're reading this and live in Mississippi do whatever is in your power you can to get behind having this bill overturned.

This is not the only legislation working its way around the country in these weeks.  In Pennsylvania the congress there is trying to pass a bill that is similar to the bill that passed in Virginia recently that would force all women claiming to have had a miscarriage to be subjected to an ultrasound.  The ultrasound would be done by shoving a twelve inch long probe into their uterus.  The most disgusting part is that part of the law requires that the screen for the ultrasound be in full view of the woman.  When asked how forcing a woman to watch that could be considered right, the Governor said that they weren't forcing the women to watch, that they could just shut their eyes.

Oh my GOD, how is this okay?  I know that we are calling this a war on women in this country, but it's not a  war on women.  It's not a war at all.  This is the end of justice.  People in this country have the right not have their bodies invaded by the government because certain super-right tea party politicians and Americans have a religious problem with abortion.  This is something they have no right to do.  They even agree with this.when the helped defeat another law that democrats where trying to pass in another state that said that conception began at fertilization and that anything that prevented fertilization was against the law.  Making male masturbation illegal.  The same right wing political pun-dents that think a women should have no right to
decide what to do with their body, feel it is unconstitutional to say what a man does with his.  For now.  Some states have actually passed laws that make it illegal for a man to masturbate, like Alabama, for instance.  This is the greatest miss use of our taxpayers dollars.  It has to stop.  Our state, our country has so many more important things to worry about than whether or not I play with myself.  We need to fix the economy, lower gas prices, fix the health care system.  Why are things like this even being discussed?

Mississippi articles:

Pennsylvania articles:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Regarding the Right's War Against Homosexuality

And with a simple veto, New Jersey finds itself held back from advancing civil rights in their state to some of its citizens. This isn't anything new, unfortunately, as many states seem to be under the impression that not everyone is deserving of equal rights. And yes, it is a matter of equal rights being granted to same-sex couples, NOT special rights, no matter how much the Right may whine about it. If anything, given how many rights same-sex couples DON'T get, a better case could be made that heterosexuals are currently on the receiving end of special rights. And yes, marriage is a right.

Many on the Christian Right rant on and on about how prevalent issues and stories related to homosexuality have become. What many fail to realize is homosexuality has been thrown into the spotlight by the very people who oppose it. If it weren't for hate groups vocally and financially opposing the advancement of civil rights, the suicides related to gay youth being bullied, gays being beaten and bashed, discrimination against gays, the Christian Right proposing laws to make it okay to bully gay kids for Jesus, the Right's desire to criminalize homosexuality, and so on, then there really wouldn't be much left to cover regarding homosexuality.
(News clip discussing a 2010 convention featuring the Christian Right
showing their Dominionist beliefs, with their anti-gay views taking the spotlight)

The sad truth is, the Christian Right are mobilizing whatever forces they can through blatantly false propaganda to oppose the advancement of civil rights in the US. Being armed with knowledge about the issues and subject matter is important if we are to defend against the encroaching fascism being advanced through Dominionist politicians and lobbyists.

So what is the main (and really, only) source of opposition to homosexuality and same-sex marriage? If you said, "religion," you'd be correct. As I'm in the United States of America, I'll be speaking on matters related to it, as such, in the US it is the many denominations of Christianity that are leading the charge against granting homosexuals the same civil rights as heterosexuals. Their primary argument? The Bible, of course. By citing various "clobber passages," they say this is proof that gays are abominations to God and unnatural. They tend to ignore that the passages they cite are less than 100% agreed upon in their interpretation, as you'll see if you check out the article linked in the previous sentence.

Regardless of the uncertainty of the Biblical passages used to oppose homosexuality, it doesn't stop the Christian Right, not in the least. Using said passages, they love to argue that homosexuality isn't natural. The fact is, some 1500 or so animal species have been documented as practicing homosexuality. Of course, the anti-gay Christians will usually do one of two things in response to that information; ignore it or move the goalposts. If their response is the latter, it usually comes with a variation of, "But animals do all sorts of things people don't do," sometimes they'll give examples to drive their newly fabricated point home. If you find yourself in this situation, stick to your guns and make it clear that you know what they are doing, and their original argument is wrong.

Many of the same Christians who fight tooth-and-nail to oppose homosexuality also oppose evolution, and they seem to think this topic gives them an opportunity to mix the two together. Some will try to argue that homosexuality can't be natural because it can't be explained through natural selection. The simple fact is, it can. Sure, we might not know the exact details or reasons behind the process, but that doesn't mean it can't be explained.

(Richard Dawkins offers up possible explanations regarding
the survival of homosexuality via natural selection)

So that's a few arguments taken care of, what is another? A common one is, "Homosexuality is a choice!" Opponents of homosexuality love to say that there is no gay gene, so people can't be born gay. Well, it is true that we have yet to find a gene responsible for homosexuality, though we haven't found one for heterosexuality either, and I'm pretty sure straight people exist. A common response to the above question from homosexuals and those who support gay rights is, "Well, when did you choose to be straight?" In my experience, the anti-gay individual ignores the response and moves on to one of their other ignorant arguments.

The "Ex-Gay" programs are another thing the Christian Right likes to point to, claiming it proves homosexuality is a choice. These programs have been shown to not only be harmful, but to also be ineffective, creating not ex-gays but rather repressed gays. Even the president of a prominent "ex-gay" program admits the program is ineffective.

If you should find yourself in a debate with some intolerant sad sack who is using the ex-gay program as evidence, make sure the two of you are arguing the same thing. It has been my experience that many in the anti-gay crowd thinks that homosexual acts are the same thing as homosexuality itself. Gay or straight, anyone can have gay or straight sex and not be attracted to their partner. "Gay-for-pay" expresses this point perfectly.

Beyond the above points, there is still plenty of evidence that homosexuality is not a choice. There are numerous physical traits that are more common amongst gay men than amongst straight men, evidence of gay male brains being more like straight female brains than straight male brains, evidence of prenatal hormonal influence and genetic links, and so on. So while we might not have figured out the exact cause of homosexuality, there is ample supporting evidence in the corner of "born this way."

(Clip from a BBC special showcasing the gay male brain being more
akin to the straight female brain than to the straight male brain)

Of course, we can't forget same sex-marriage! Why are people opposed to it? Because marriage has only ever been between one man and one woman, as God dictated, of course! Never mind that many different types of marriage existed in the Bible, that marriage has changed with both time and between cultures, and that there is evidence which suggests European Christianity once supported gay marriage. Yes, ignoring all that, we are still left with the hilariously unsupportable argument that same-sex marriage harms "traditional" marriages. The simple fact that these same "pro-marriage" people aren't actively pursuing an end to divorce with the same level of zealotry they oppose same-sex marriage with shows the hypocrisy of this argument. A single couple divorcing does more damage to marriage than two men or two women marrying ever could.

It may seem like a useless endeavor, arguing with an anti-gay individual, but always remember; even though the average anti-gay bigot won't hear anything you say, or see any evidence you share, others on the fence may be paying attention and your arguments could be the nudge they need to stand on the side of both truth and progress.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Woman Forced to Watch Her Baby Die

If you are one of those people who are against abortion, and believe that there is no situation where an abortion is a good idea, then watch this video. It is one thing to try to prevent women from using it as a form of birth control, but most abortions are NOT in that category. 

A woman from Nebraska was forced to watch her baby suffocate to death because she was not able to get an abortion regardless of the situation.  Her water broke at 23 weeks, which, without the amniotic fluids, the baby would not develop lungs to survive after birth. So when she was forced to wait to go into labor naturally, and when the baby was born, watched as her baby girl gasped for breath until she died.

So. With that short re-cap of this woman’s story, how can you honestly believe that banning abortion after 20 weeks regardless of the situation is a GOOD thing?! A woman makes her choices for a damn good reason (at least most of us). The choice to abort a baby is not something that we would take lightly, and it’s certainly not something that you have the right to take away!

So I have a question for the legislators of Nebraska. What the hell would it have hurt, to allow this woman an abortion? If you can’t respect a woman's choice to do what is likely the hardest thing that they will ever do, then YOU do not deserve the respect to create laws that govern us. There are about a dozen states who are looking into copying this law, because they don’t actually CARE what is best for the woman or their families. That is not important to them. 

States that are next in line for this law? (click the links for more info)

States that already have a ban on abortions
New Jersey
New Mexico
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

The Civil Rights of Atheists

To define, in simple terms, the civil rights movement for atheists in America; it is to end the repression by the christian majority of those who lack belief in any form of higher power or god, to allow the unhindered free speech thereof, and to stop the progression of religious theocracy in the government of the United States. This country must NEVER become a christian theocracy. If so, the religious freedoms of all, believers and non-believers alike, will immediately become illegal. For a country to throw support behind one belief or the other turns them to be biased toward anything that is NOT that belief. If Christianity is to become that theocratic element in the government, you can kiss your freedom to oppose religion goodbye. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered individuals will have no rights whatsoever. Women, for the most part, will have no right to control their own bodies. The pregnancy rate and rate of progression of sexually transmitted diseases will both increase to unimaginable levels. Parents of atheist children will have no way to stop the indoctrination of their children in public schools. The institution of prayer in school will be forced upon every individual whether they like it or not, not to mention the possible institution of bible study being added to the general curriculum as well as the elimination of proven scientific teachings that oppose their beliefs. Religious theocracy must NEVER happen. It will oppose everything that this country was founded upon.

“Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The first quote is the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States. The second is Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli. Both are from the time of the founding of this country and both clearly state in general terms that this is NOT to be a religious nation. Religion should remain private, as their teachings profess:

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

The first quote is the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States. The second is Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli. Both are from the time of the founding of this country and both clearly state in general terms that this is NOT to be a religious nation. Religion should remain private, as their teachings profess:

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

Now is the time to stand up and oppose religious oppression. Stand up for your right to speak freely about your non-belief. Stand up for your right to be in control of your own bodies, ladies. Stand up for your right to love freely, those of the homosexual community. Stand up for your right to NOT have someone else’s belief shoved down your throat. Stand up for your right to do what ever it is you’re genetically programmed to do. If you don’t believe in their god or any god, voice that opinion. If you don’t want the government telling you that you can’t protect yourself sexually, tell them. If you believe you are naturally attracted to those of the same sex and that you truly love them, voice it. The time is coming, very soon I’m afraid, where these rights may be taken away. WE have to educate the public that it’s not wrong to be different. WE have to because no one else will stand up for us. Conservative, right wing religiosity is on the verge of changing all of that for us. NOW is the time to make a stand. NOW.

Now is the time to stand up and oppose religious oppression. Stand up for your right to speak freely about your non-belief. Stand up for your right to be in control of your own bodies, ladies. Stand up for your right to love freely, those of the homosexual community. Stand up for your right to NOT have someone else’s belief shoved down your throat. Stand up for your right to do what ever it is you’re genetically programmed to do. If you don’t believe in their god or any god, voice that opinion. If you don’t want the government telling you that you can’t protect yourself sexually, tell them. If you believe you are naturally attracted to those of the same sex and that you truly love them, voice it. The time is coming, very soon I’m afraid, where these rights may be taken away. WE have to educate the public that it’s not wrong to be different. WE have to because no one else will stand up for us. Conservative, right wing religiosity is on the verge of changing all of that for us. NOW is the time to make a stand. NOW.

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

That bible verse is Matthew 6:6. Yet all the christians want to do is spread their beliefs on everyone and seemingly force them down your throat. That is an oppression of your right NOT to believe as THEY do. I don’t doubt that if christianity were to become something that the government endorsed, they would have every right to beat your door down and force feed their beliefs into your life, your family’s life and everything that you do. I don’t doubt that mandated “times of prayer” will be forced on the people, such as is present in muslim countries. Not only would this be an infringement upon your right not to believe, but if you are a woman, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered, you will be reduced to a non citizen of this nation.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Mockery of Science; Creationism in the Classroom

Oh, science, is there anything you can't do?

Well, sure. Of course there is. Just as there are many things science either cannot (currently) or does not (currently) know. Almost no one with even a basic understanding of science will say otherwise, not seriously at least. And that is where what I consider the main problem facing science today, in America, comes in.


You see, many Creationists believe that science cannot be trusted because it changes frequently (as new discoveries replace old models shown to be incorrect) and can't (currently) answer every question we've ever had. What never changes and can answer everything? Their holy book of choice, in the USA this tends to be the Bible, of course! I suppose we should ignore all the changes that have been made to the Bible, and how it gets interpreted, over time, right?

So, how did the universe come into being? God did it! How did the Earth form? God did it! How did life appear on Earth? God did it! Scientists, when met with something they don't know or understand, work to seek the answers. Most Creationists don't seem to be able to handle any mystery, any unknowns, and attribute everything to variations of, "God did it." There is nothing scientific about this sort of world view regarding life, the universe, and everything.

Yet, whether under the label of Intelligent Design or Creationism, those who believe such nonsense are pushing their scientifically illiterate opinions about the nature of the world onto everyone else. Whether it is in Tennessee, Indiana, New Hampshire, or any number of other states, science (and more specifically, science education) is under attack. Sure in some states these bills are meeting defeat, like in the above article about New Hampshire's bill or in Oklahoma, but in others they aren't meeting their demise like they should be.

Look, if you want to believe that the world was created 6000 years ago by man being sculpted out of dirt and a cosmic geneticist cloning a woman out of a rib, go for it. If you want to believe, despite there being no evidence for it, that the entire Earth flooded and two (or seven depending on whether they were "clean" or not) of almost every species on the planet boarded a small boat and survived an absolutely complete global flood, you go right ahead. Frankly, I don't care if you believe that a giant walrus regurgitated the universe into being five minutes ago, complete with everything we would need to falsely believe the cosmos is about 14 billion years old.

You are, after all, free to your beliefs. However, the very instant you begin to push your unsubstantiated beliefs as fact onto others, the very moment education and progress become blocked because of magical thinking, then you've just over stepped your bounds and we've got ourselves a problem.

Much of this hostility towards science is based on evolution, and the theory of evolution. Evolution, you see, disproves the stories of, basically, every religion's creation myth. Naturally this would lead to the religious opposing evolution (with its corresponding theory), and please do not confuse the process of evolution with the theory of evolution. Evolution is a fact, whether you like it or not.The theory of evolution, however, is different from simply saying, "evolution." Evolution is the process, the theory of evolution explains the process.

There is a difference.

Many of the assaults against evolution, it seems, are based on the use of the word "theory," as in, "the theory of evolution." In science, ample evidence is required for something to become a theory, it is not just a random idea someone has. The latter is what Creationists seem to believe the word "theory" means, even when used in a scientific manner. Personally, I'm fond of Isaac Asimov's take on this,
“Creationists make it sound as though a 'theory' is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.”
So what, exactly, is the definition of a scientific theory?

The appropriate definition to use when looking up the word at is the first one;
a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena. explains it as;
 A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Therefore, theories can be disproven. Basically, if evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can become accepted as a good explanation of a phenomenon. One definition of a theory is to say it's an accepted hypothesis.
It is rather sad that the most common argument against evolution seems to be over the misunderstanding of a word's definition. Then again, you never see Creationists/ID-iots arguing against the theory of gravity or germ theory, do you?

To draw things to a close, I'd like to suggest that if you don't accept evolution, odds are you don't understand it. Whether it is intentional or not (as many religious speakers make sure their audience gets a very biased, very inaccurate, view of evolution and its theory), simple conversation reveals that most Creationists seem to lack even the most basic of understandings of evolution. Destroying science education  for the sake of what amounts to fairy tales will not help anyone. It will, in fact, only hurt those no longer learning actual science.

Now, since I touched on evidence earlier, here are some links to read a little about some of the evidence we have for evolution;

Fossil Evidence:

Gene Evidence:

Observational Evidence:

To be fair, here are some links to evidence we have for Creationism/Intelligent Design; 

*crickets chirping*

Bomb at Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin

What the freaking hell is this? There isn’t much information on it so far, but apparently there was some kind of bomb planted at a Planned Parenthood near Appleton. A homemade explosive device was placed on a windowsill at 7:40 pm on Sunday. There wasn’t much damage, and nobody was in the building at the time so nobody was hurt. They will be reopening the facility on Tuesday.

They don’t know who did it yet, but I can pretty much guess WHY they did it. This has everything to do with abortion, and how Planned Parenthood is a clinic that provides women with that service. I understand what Wisconsin is more politically motivated after the whole deal with Governor Scott Walker and his goonies, but really? A bomb? What the hell, Wisconsin?! If one person acts on it, that means there are dozens, if not hundreds of people who think it. This person who bombed a medical clinic is probably a republican extremist (I say extremist because not all republicans are crazy, and quite frankly, this is terrorism), and I just happened to notice that the Republican primaries are happening today.

The reaction to this story seems to be mixed; some who approve of the actions of this individual, and some who (like me) clearly dislike what has happened. One theory that seems to be common, is that Planned Parenthood planted that bomb themselves to get publicity and pity.

“I'll bet you 10 to 1 it was the work of the pro-Aborts to try and gain support and sympathy for their murderous agenda or the place would have far more damage. More election time stunts and distractions by the stupid and transparent psychos on the left.” - Lucas4440

“It was probably an M-80 someone from PP or the left planted themselves to blame True Christians or the Right since have been caught using tax dollars and Susan B. Komen dollars to perform abortions, as a distraction. A real bomb would have done some serious damage.” - FLHR12

Those on the other side of the argument, point out how Christianity seems to have their own brand of the Taliban in the sense that those who are overly religious become violent.

“Ah yes, the Christian Taliban strike once again. Just like every religious fanatic, when they world will not listen to your religious ramblings - you turn to violence and bombings. I will guarantee Jesus would have been proud of you .... NOT!” - afmcalax

“Do you have evidence the bomber was not Christian? Citing in this case an applicable use of statistics -- the Pro-Life movement's targeting of Planned Parenthood and other medical facilities is a documented fact.

According to the most recent statistics from the National Abortion Federation, there were 114 violent attacks against abortion providers in 2011, including three physical assaults, one bombing, one incident of arson, 27 counts of vandalism and eight burglaries.”
- reality_sanity

Republicans are noticeably more religious than others, so my point is that this person (who was probably a little disturbed) had gone home after church and saw this video that had aired in Wisconsin because of the upcoming primaries, and got pissed off because his religious extremist views made him think that he was personally responsible for preventing other people from seeking an abortion.

Or maybe he was entirely against how Planned Parenthood gives free health care. Who knows? Some of these republicans are actually congratulating this person for doing what ‘everybody has been thinking’. Others are outright condemning the violence that has resulted from a likely religious nutcase.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Political Secretions

Why oh why do people think that America is still a Democracy?  Seriously, when the major corporations of the world govern those who govern us, how can we justly say that this is a country of the people?  We don't have a voice and when we try to, we get called whinny children who are just upset that we lost and didn't get our way.  The worst part is that people like the country bumpkins that flock to there Republican masters, will talk about how liberals are un-American for not wanting to fight needless wars, or for the poor to have access to health care, or unemployment benefits, or college educations, or bargaining rights, will with same mouth say that limiting the freedoms of gays, and women, and immigrants, and minorities are amazing examples of the freedoms our founders fought and died to give us!  How is this possible?  How can we all be so blind that we can think that this is how we should live?

Here's what I want for America.  WAKE UP!! Stop just listening to what your told like little sheep! Not even from me.  All you all seem to do is bleet liberal and conservative propaganda like a bunch of sheep or Lemmings.  I'm serious, if you're not going to learn to think for yourselves then stop talking, because this country could be a country of thinkers and progressives.  So if you're going to vote on Monday in the Presidential Primary here in Wisconsin than please, do your research, learn about the candidates and then vote for the one who you feels best represents the values that are a part of you!  Prove that we are stronger than the corporate evils that run this country think we are, prove we can lead ourselves, that change is coming and like a swift wind it will blow away the idiocy of the current era we live in.