Sunday, April 1, 2012

Political Secretions

Why oh why do people think that America is still a Democracy?  Seriously, when the major corporations of the world govern those who govern us, how can we justly say that this is a country of the people?  We don't have a voice and when we try to, we get called whinny children who are just upset that we lost and didn't get our way.  The worst part is that people like the country bumpkins that flock to there Republican masters, will talk about how liberals are un-American for not wanting to fight needless wars, or for the poor to have access to health care, or unemployment benefits, or college educations, or bargaining rights, will with same mouth say that limiting the freedoms of gays, and women, and immigrants, and minorities are amazing examples of the freedoms our founders fought and died to give us!  How is this possible?  How can we all be so blind that we can think that this is how we should live?

Here's what I want for America.  WAKE UP!! Stop just listening to what your told like little sheep! Not even from me.  All you all seem to do is bleet liberal and conservative propaganda like a bunch of sheep or Lemmings.  I'm serious, if you're not going to learn to think for yourselves then stop talking, because this country could be a country of thinkers and progressives.  So if you're going to vote on Monday in the Presidential Primary here in Wisconsin than please, do your research, learn about the candidates and then vote for the one who you feels best represents the values that are a part of you!  Prove that we are stronger than the corporate evils that run this country think we are, prove we can lead ourselves, that change is coming and like a swift wind it will blow away the idiocy of the current era we live in.

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